Become a river advocate. Make a stand for our watershed!
New to TRT, or just need a refresher? Attend our Intro to Water Policy workshop and learn the basics of water policy and advocacy in the Tuolumne River watershed. As politicized misinformation about California’s watersheds circulates and the effects of climate change reach new tipping points, we offer an accessible workshop about how river flow rates benefit people and fish while creating climate resilience from the Sierra Nevada to the San Francisco Bay.
Led by TRT’s Policy Director Peter Drekmeier, this workshop is a jump start for anyone who is curious about water rights, advocacy, and the health of our rivers. Join us if you are ready to advocate for thriving fish populations, healthy rivers, and water rights for frontline communities.
In this workshop we’ll learn the science behind river flow rates, the truth about manufactured water scarcity in the San Francisco Bay-Delta and the Tuolumne River, and how collaborative management can make a difference.
There is enough water for people and fish! Join us to learn how.
Register below to join us for this free workshop on January 21, from 12-1pm on Zoom.
Ready to Advocate? Leave a Public Comment at the Bay-Delta Plan State Water Board workshop!
Train With Us: Watch our online zoom training and slideshow (from Defenders of Wildlife) to learn how to craft a strategic and well-delivered public comment and to prepare to testify at a State Water Board workshop. Our colleagues at Friends of the River created these excellent suggested talking points.
Testify: Make a public comment with us online at the State Water Board workshop on Thursday, January 23. A critical mass shows that our community is engaged and paying attention. This workshop will include topical presentations and the opportunity to comment. The full schedule of State Water Board workshops are posted here.
Plan to testify? Fill out this speaker card to get on the list!
Additional Resources