Make a stand for increased flows that benefit fish, river health, and frontline communities.
The State Water Board recently released a new document for Phase 2 of the Bay-Delta Quality Control Plan, and will host a workshop and opportunity for public comment on January 23. This is a critical juncture for community input and participation.
The sprawling Bay-Delta watershed includes all tributaries of the San Joaquin and Sacramento Rivers, including the Tuolumne River. Phase 2 focuses on the Sacramento tributaries and the Delta, and it will set a precedent for how flow rates are determined in this system.
Competing with the Bay-Delta Plan are Voluntary Agreements—supported by the water diverters—that propose half measures that won’t get our rivers flowing. It’s critical that we convince the State Water Board to stand strong, reject the Voluntary Agreements, and adopt the scientifically-vetted Bay-Delta Plan.
Plan to testify at the State Water Board workshop on January 23? Fill out a speaker card to get on the list.
Get Involved!
Train With Us: Watch our online zoom training and slideshow (from Defenders of Wildlife) to learn how to craft a strategic and well-delivered public comment and to prepare to testify at a State Water Board workshop. Our colleagues at Friends of the River created these excellent suggested talking points.
Attend an Intro to Water Policy workshop: Learn the basics of water policy and advocacy in the Tuolumne River watershed with TRT’s Policy Director, Peter Drekmeier on January 21, from 12-1pm on Zoom. Register for the Workshop
Testify: Make a public comment with us online at the State Water Board workshop on Thursday, January 23. A critical mass shows that our community is engaged and paying attention. This workshop will include topical presentations and the opportunity to comment. The full schedule of State Water Board workshops are posted here.
Plan to testify? Fill out this speaker card to get on the list!
Additional Resources
Talking Points for Delivering Public Comment at a State Water Board Meeting (from Friends of the River)
Online zoom training and Slideshow from Defenders of WildlifeVoluntary Agreements Position Paper from Defenders of Wildlife
State Water Board Workshop Notice & Phase 2 Plan Summary (3rd Revision)
The Impact of Your Action
Sharing verbal or written comments significantly contributes to the ongoing effort to protect and restore California rivers and the Bay-Delta ecosystem. It's a small investment of time and we urge you to join us in this crucial effort.