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Request For Proposals

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Equity at TRT

TRT holds a deep commitment to equity, inclusion, diversity, and access as core principles integral to the work we do. As we add new members across all levels of the organization, we welcome diverse perspectives and lived experiences that foster learning, creativity, innovation, and equity. To read our DEIA Vision & Values statement, visit

Tuolumne River Trust Background

The Tuolumne River Trust promotes the stewardship of the Tuolumne River and its tributaries to ensure a healthy watershed, from Yosemite National Park through the San Joaquin Valley and to the San Francisco Bay-Delta. Founded in 1981, the Trust is the only organization working throughout the watershed, linking Sierra and Valley conservation issues and forging strong ties between rural mountain and valley regions and Bay Area urban communities. The Trust has an annual core budget of approximately a million dollars, 8 employees, a cadre of consultants, and offices in San Francisco, Modesto, and Sonora.

TRT programs include: a) participation in the relicensing of the Don Pedro Dam, which regulates stream flows in the lower Tuolumne River, and the Bay Delta Water Quality Control Plan update to ensure improved river flows for fish and wildlife in the lower Tuolumne River, b) restoration of floodplains, riparian forests, and other habitat along the lower Tuolumne River, and conifer forests, meadows, and streams in the Sierra Nevada, c) improving water management policies in the Bay Area and Central Valley to support river restoration goals while supporting healthy economies and communities, d) building public support for watershed stewardship by connecting the public to the River through education and outreach, and e) educating schoolchildren about the importance of the Tuolumne River to our region.

By linking mountain, valley, and Bay Area conservation issues, and connecting people to the river through outings and education, the Trust is building broad support for watershed stewardship. Our strategic approach melds advocacy, education, collaboration, scientific inquiry, and litigation when necessary to address threats and take advantage of conservation and restoration opportunities. For more information about the Tuolumne River Trust, visit: