Forest Health
The health of headwater forests is critical to maintaining a healthy river ecosystem.
We are still building resilience back into the upper watershed post-Rim Fire, which decimated an area of forest the size of Los Angeles (over 256,000 acres). Through policy and advocacy, we promote solutions to remove impediments to restoring forest health and reducing mega-fires in the most efficient and cost-effective manner.
We do this through our involvement in the Yosemite Stanislaus Solutions (YSS) forest collaborative, a collaborative of environmental groups, timber interests, tribes, and community organizations working together to find common ground solutions to landscape restoration.
Our unique experience in developing a broadly supported, science-based restoration strategy has enabled us to identify multiple impediments in forest programs, policies, and processes that preclude achieving the pace and scale of work needed in a cost-efficient manner. YSS has been recognized by California Forward, a highly respected and accomplished Good Government organization, as a model
For more information about the YSS Collaborative, please visit https://yosemitestanislaussolutions.com/