Tell Governor Newsom to Champion Rivers, the Bay-Delta and Vulnerable Communities, not Big Ag!

March 22 is World Water Day. Please use this opportunity to voice your opinion by sending a greeting card to Governor Newsom. He doesn’t pay much attention to emails, but might notice a stack of cards on his desk.

Getting Started

Pick out a greeting card, perhaps one you received as a thank you from a group you support.

Choose a tone of voice that suits you best.

Start by introducing yourself. Who are you and why do you care about California’s rivers and the San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary?
Remind him that March 22 is World Water Day, a great time to change course and promote a sustainable water future.
Remind him that environmentalists make up a large part of his base. “Please don’t take us for granted, we’re getting wary!”

Address your card to:

Governor Gavin Newsom
1021 O Street, Suite 9000
Sacramento, CA 95814

Newsom’s Poor Track Record on Water Issues

In February, Newsom issued an Executive Order allowing the state and federal water projects to waive minimum water quality standards for the San Francisco Bay-Delta. The Order was used to divert even more water out of the beleaguered Delta. Fortunately, the Water Board recently rescinded the Order.

In early 2019, shortly after the State Water Board adopted Phase 1 of the Bay Delta Water Quality Control Plan, Newsom canned Board Chair Felicia Marcus, sending a chill through the remaining Board members who are charged with protecting the public’s fish, wildlife and water quality.

Also in 2019, Newsom vetoed SB 1. Known as the Trump Defense Bill, SB 1 would have stymied President Trump’s efforts to roll back environmental protections in California. Without this key legislation, Trump’s lawless approach to water and endangered species management wrought havoc on the Bay-Delta, which Governor Newsom did little to correct.

Newsom has consistently favored Big Ag over aquatic ecosystems and vulnerable communities. He has championed “Voluntary Agreements” – proposals embraced by water agencies that claim to “produce more fish with less water.” In reality, the deceitful Voluntary Agreements would produce more of the same old failed results.

Our Ask

Urge Newsom to drop his support for Voluntary Agreements and empower the State Water Board to move forward expeditiously on implementation of the Bay Delta Water Quality Control Plan.


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