Our 2024 Supporters

Wild & Scenic Guardians

Dunning, Harrison (Hap)

David L. Klein, Jr. Fund

Goeddel, Alena and David

Holdfast Collective

Hooper , Molly and John

Maggioncalda, Anne and Jeffrey

Mapatuna, Upacala 

Morgan, Quinn

Reller, William

Repass, Randy

Repass Holmes, Elizabeth Peck

Riemer, Kristina and Eric

Westcott II, Barlow

Chinook Society

Aywas, Elias

Beard Land Improvement Company

Burchell, Margaret

Brownrigg, Michael

Calderon, Laura

Collins, Bill

Cramer , Kristine

Ferrari, Jeani and John

Gaguine, Alexander

Khajenoori, Mehrzad

Kreiter, John & Kyle

Majerus, Cecily and David

Rosenberg, Susan

Shepheard, Alicia

Woolard, John

Friends of the Tuolumne

Amodio, John

Anderson, Richard

Appelblatt, Rachel

Arevalo, Maria

Ashe, Victor

Barr, Donald

Campbell, Mary Beth

Canning, Robert

Cassidy, John

Charles, Cindy

Chen, Bernard

Collacchi, Paul

Crumb, Kerstyn

Daly, Joe and Sue

Dejarnatt, Peter

Dunning, Ashley

Dunning, Thad

Frizzell, Julianne

Gorman, Elaine

Hammett, Benjamin

Harrison, Jeff

Hollingsworth, Gordon

Hook, Geoffrey

Horvath, Susie

Howard, William

Jones, G. Scott

Jones, Nancy

King, Camille

Landreth Family Fund

Liebes, Sidney

Lyons, Bill

Mahanes, Laura

Malarkey, Tucker

Malloy, John

Mathiesen, Lloyd

McGrath, James

Meader, Arthur

Meral, Barbara and Jerry

Moise, Maryann

Moragne, Mark

Nimmons, John

O'Brien, Judy

Olsen, Jenna

O'Rouke, Barbara

Ostrau, Sandra and Mark

Patton, Carol

Price, Donald

Rausch, Linda and Charles

Reyering, Nancy

Rice, Kevin

Schifferle, Patty

Shasta Wildlife Conservation Foundation (Jennifer White)

Sierra Mac River Trips (Marty McDonnell)

Stephens, Robert

Stern, Susan

Steven Chapman / Fund for Ecology and Culture

The Morrison & Foerster Foundation

The Robert J. and Helen H. Glaser Family Foundation

Valk, Kristine

Van Kuran, Virginia

Wagner, Babette

Wesner, Kathleen

Westerman Charitable Fund

Wurtz, Brad

Zemitis, Martin

Headwaters League 

Adams, Judy

Adams, Sean

Aguilar, Bernard

Albert, Heinrich

Albright, Charles

Allen, Serena

Altman, Tatiana

Amen, John

Ames, Leslie

Anderson, Robert

Anelli, Bill

Arbuckle, Nancy

Archer, Wendy

Ashe, Marice

Ashe, Victor

Aubert, Edward

Avila, Jorge

Avila, Shanyn

Baier, Mark

Bakker, Anne-Marie

Bargmann, Kay

Barrett, Patrick

Battig, Tony

Battilana, Diane

Beard, Susan

Beath, James

Becker, George

Beckstrom, Christine

Bell, Michelle

Bennett, Keith

Bernardo, Dolores

Bertero, Ana

Betz, Sheri

Beviacqua, John

Bhageshpur, Kiran

Bianchi, Shirley

Bianchi, William

Bird, Bart

Bobel, Phil

Bodary-Winter, Sarah

Bohan, Timothy

Borcz, Judith

Borgerding, Tim

Borgonovo, Roberta

Borst, Judy

Brenneman, Scott

Breyer, Jane

Brink, Julia

Brockman, Todd

Brown, Jeffrey

Brown, Randall

Bryant, Cheri

Buchanan, David

Buchanan, Neilson

Buelow, Friederike

Bull, Peter

Burr, John

Butterwick, Mary

Byron, Kellye

Byron, Kellye

Cahill, Jerry

Cain, John

Callejo, Tessa

Campbell, Helen

Canning, Robert

Carkeet, Ross

Carleton, Ruth

Carlino, Thomas

Carosella, Tommi Lou

Cernac, Joseph

Chabot, Warner

Charles, Brion

Charnas, Renee

Chavez, Arnold

Chenault, Sally

Christo, Catherine

Cibellis, Nicole

Clark, Leslie

Clarke, Kathleen

Clayton, Teresa

Close, Marguerite

Closson, B.

Cockrell, Doone

Cohen, Samuel

Cohen, Michael

Coiteux, Steve

Connolly, Joan

Connolly, Abby

Connolly, Bonnie

Cook, James

Cordero, Eugene

Cordes, John

Cornell, Duane

Cornett, Thomas

Corwin, Bryant

Corwin, Eddie

Corwin, James

Costello-Good, Jesse

Cotton, Pamela

Coverdell, Sally and Ken

Cox, Janet

Coyle, Jenny

Coyne, Don

Crane, Daniel

Cross, Melanie

Culcasi, Michael

Culley, Bob

Curtis, Carolyn

Dafoe, Janet

David, Joe

Davis, Terry

Davis, Martha

de La Beaujardiere, Cedric

Dean, Meredith

Deatsch, Terrill

Dedrick, Russell

Dempsey, Jaime

Dennis, Kathleen

Dennis, Fredrick

Dennison, Kathy

DeRiggi, Margaret

Derryberry, Griff

Detterman, Mark

Diamond, Kathleen

DiBenedetto, Carol

Dickerson, Lynn

Dimmick, Ruth

Domico, David

Drogemuller, Bill

Dubois, Mark

Duran, Isaac

Dutcher, Steve

Eckert, Bryan

Eggleston, Alan

Eichenberg, Tim

Ensminger, Donna

Essenmacher, Kirsten

Evans, Stephen

Evans, Steven

Fairchild, Peter

Fenstermaker, Mark

Ferroni, Gary

Fine, Bruce

Fizzell, Susan

Flaningam, Jill

Fletcher, Taylor

Flora, Kevin

Flynn, Kirsten

Folger, Barbara

Follansbee, Richard

Forner, Tiffany

Forney, Maureen

Fox, Harry

Fox, Susan

Frank, Justin

Franzen, Ellen

Fujikawa, Ellen

Furman, Charmaine

Gaines, Terri

Gaines, David

Gale, Mary

Gallivan, Richard

Gans, Hilary

Garcia, Terry

Garcia, Gabriel

Gass, Linda

Gessow, Lisa

Ghaffari, Tylor

Gilbert, Eric

Gill, Mary

Giorgi, Nate

Glassner, Paul

Godfrey, Kate

Goldeen, Deborah

Goldstein, Paul

Gonzalez, Meg

Good, John

Gothberg, Martin

Grebe, Naomi

Greene, Susan

Gregerson, Byron

Griffin, Waldo

Gustafson, Mike

Gutekanst, Mary

Guth, Karen

Hagan, Douglas

Hall, Diana

Hammes, Paul

Hammond, Richard

Haram, John

Harned, Sam

Harrington, Kathy

Hart, Douglas

Hartford, Ellen

Hartley, Jeff

Hartman, Allison

Harvey, Kurt

Hastings, Marilu

Hauser, Katharine

Haverty, Mike

Hawkey, Andy

Haya, David

Haynes, Robert

Hearn, Jerry

Hedden, Gary

Heitkamp, Ross

Heitz, Eric

Heitz, Rebecca

Hendrix, Jean

Henner, Rachel

Hiestand, Nancy

Hiestand, Nancy

Higgs, Libby

Higgs, Libby

Hill, Siobhan

Hiller, E. Tobey

Hirsch, Vicki

Hodge, Bruce

Horton, Kim

Hotchkiss, Lanah

Hsu, Jolene

Hubbart, Nancy

Hubenthal, Carol

Hughes, Mary

Hughes, Amanda and Noah

Hume, David

Hunter, Clarice

Synopsis Foundation and Synopsys Inc.

Ingram, Jillian

Irwin, Michael

Ivie, Pam

Izmirian, Richard

Jackson, Anne

Jackson, Dina

Jacobson, Margaret

Jensen, Robert

Johnson, Linda

Jordan, Anthony

Joyce, Robert

Joye, Steve

Joye, Lindsay

Jumper, Mike

Kachel, Guy

Kalb, Valarie

Kane, Bob

Kane, Brendon

Kenney, Robert

Kentta-Brown, Berit

King, Janet

King, Camille

Kishler, Les

Klein, Mary

Kniss, Elizabeth

Koch, Rosette

Koepele, Patrick

Kohler, Clayton

Kramarz, Ken

Kramer, John

Krebsbach, Emil

Krenz, Charlie

Kurahashi, Eileen

Kuzins, Matt

Lacivita, Peter

LaClair, Joseph

Laffoon, Catherine

Lamph, Jane Ann

Landsman, Helen

Leahy, Judy

Lean, William

Leask, Richard

Leddy, Matt

Lee, Ellen

LeFevre, Robert

Leonoudakis, Stephen

Leung, Cynthia

Lewin, Ralph

Lewis, Sherman

Light, Jessica

Linda Lenoir, Jack Vorce and

Lindblom, Erik

Lindsay, Barbara

Linney, Douglas

Lipkis, Thomas

Lish, Christopher

Little, Jennifer

Kramer Family Living Trust

Lopez, Alfredo

Lord, Bradford

Lott, Carolyn

Louie, Denise

Loungway, Deirdre

Luc, Lori

Lundberg, Larry

Lyon, Robert

Lyons-Conover, Jane

Mac, Tom

Mackowski, Marty

Macneale, Neil

MacNiven, Margaret

Madgic, Diane

Maher, Miguel

Maher, William

Mahoney-Rohrl, Sophia

Maner, Doug

Mangold, Ann

Maran, Drew

Marchi, Kristen

Margolies, Elliot

Marshall, Scott

Martin, Rosada

Martin, Robert

Martin, Gabriel

Mathai, Koshy

Matusow, Lois

May, Carl

Mayer, Dorothy

McCorkle, Locke

McEntee, Shannon

McGraw, Stepheny

McLaughlin, Robert

McNally, Alison

McNaught, Tammy

Mejia, Homero

Mercurio, Maurizio

Merryweather, Jan

Meyer, Amy

Meyers, Robert

Miedema, Lykele

Miller, Michael

Milligan, Margaret

Mitchell, Lauren

Miura, Rachel

Mixsell, Sandy

Moore, Tertia

Morgan, Donelle

Morley, Kathy

Morton, Robert

Muller, Stephen

Mulvey, Trish

Murdock, Leslie

Murphy, Deirdre

Myers, Tom

Mytels, Debbie

Nabat, Ryan

Naumann, Robert

Naythons, Matthew

Neff, Nancy

Negri, Sharon

Nestor, Sylvia

Neville, Susan

Nicoll-Johnson, Teri

Nigenda, Esther

Nisbet, William

Nixon, Deirdre

Nordstrom, Heather

Norton, Marc

Olsen, Ruthann

Olson, Margaret

O'Malley, Lauren

Orman, Larry

Ostapchuk, Kateryna

Ousterman, Blythe

Pagni, David

Parr, Tim

Parrington, Tom

Parrish, Ariel

Pasturel, Ragni

Patenaude, Etienne

Patton, Gary

Pearson, Annetta

Perry, Ralph

Peterson, Terry

Peterson, Leslie

Pierce, Ellen

Piercey, Charles

Pipkin, Brendan

Popenuck, Tina

Potts, Steve

Potts, William

Powell, James

Powers, Dick

Preston, Bonnie

Price, Donald

Price, Jennifer

Purcell, Gloria

Ragland, Molly

Ragland, Molly

Raube, David

Reckdahl, Keith

Reedy, Mark

Ridenour, Randy

Riemer, Marlene

Risher, Jennifer

Robello, Colleen

Robinson, Marek

Rohlen, Ginger

Rokeach, Michael

Roos-Collins, Richard

Rosenbloom, Margaret

Rossi, Graciella

Rowe, Trish

Royce, Sarah

Rubinstein, Joel

Russell, Cindy

Rutemoeller, Bob

Ruth, Carol

Rutherford, Katie

Ryon, Dick

Sacarelos, David

Sack, Debbi

Salzer, Elizabeth

Sanchez, Susan

Scheibe, John

Schinnerer, Mary

Schwerin, Rich

Sedlemeyer, Julie

Seidler, Charles

Sellers, Martha

Semonsen, Vince

Sevier, Crystal

Sheng, Ilene

Shields, Maris

Shoemaker, Dorthy

Siegel, Gilbert

Simon, Jamie

Skoog, Madeleine

Skyvara, Zdenek

Sloan, Hayley

Smith, Nancy

Smith, Alice

Smith, Kari

Somerville, Annie

Srikantan, Geetha

Stanojevic, Erica

Stansfield, Lesley

Stec, Laura

Stefanowicz, Pamela

Steiber, Phyllis

Stephen, Christina

Stephens, Julia

Stewart-Frey, Iris

Stokstad, Ingrid

Stolte, Stephanie

Stork, Ron

Stott, John

Strauss, Emilie

Stubbs, Tom

Sturtevant, Jon

Sullivan, Patricia

Sutton, Tommy

Syrett, Edward

Takaro, Mark

Tao, Shelkie

Tapper, Kamala

Tarabek, Jean

Terman, Donna

Thesen, Sven

Thomas, Gregory

Thomas, Greg

Thomas, Jeremy

Thomas, Dan

Tomley, Kevin

Tompkins (Flowest), Mark

Towle, Peter

Traum, Jeffrey

Tredennick, Cam

Trumbull, Terry

Turner, Tricia

Urban, Deborah

Van Moon, Lesli

Vershel, Teri

Vink, Erik

Vorster, Peter

Waksberg, Arlene

Walz, Susan

Warburton, William

Watkins, Janis

Weatherington, Randall

Webber, Stephen

Weiden, Cheryl

Welles, Holly

Wells, Justin

Wells, Penny

West, Frankie

Weston-Crich, Carol

Wetherell, Karen

Whipps, Michael

Whitcomb, John

White, Ken

White, Alexandria

Whittle, Scott

Williams, Marcia

Wilson, Sandra

Wilson, James

Woodcock, Charlene

Wooley, David

Wright, Melinda

Wrisley, Gregg

Wyels, Wendy

Young, John

Zeise, Tanja

Zrimsek, Alanna

During my childhood, I was never able to experience the joy of outdoor activities such as camping, canoeing, or simply appreciating the beauty of nature. It took me years to learn these skills and enjoy the outdoors. Even to this day, I am still learning. This is why the Tuolumne River Trust is crucial in educating, advocating, and restoring the Tuolumne; they help create opportunities for people to recreate outdoors.

— Jose Borroel

The Tuolumne is more than just a source of the wonderful water that gives us life. It is also the life sustaining habitat for a host of creatures, and I tend to see the T itself as a living thing. TRT seeks to foster this living thing, and all the living things it supports. We do this by advocating on the river's behalf, educating people about its role in our lives, and restoring the watershed.

— Bart and Nancy Westcott

I have been a supporter of the Tuolumne River Trust for over a decade. Initially promulgated by Peter Drekmeier and from his idea an organization was born. This organization has grown significantly and today is a respected voice for the Tuolumne River watershed. It has been wonderful to see a grassroots organization with a modest beginning bloom to what it is today. It is an effective advocate through political action that has gained respect from its piers. Well done! Keep forging ahead, the job is far from being over!

— William E. Reller

We are privileged to have such a great resource in our community that flows through our riverside neighborhoods. I care about the Tuolumne of selfish reasons because I want my children and great grandchildren to enjoy a beautiful river that runs through out neighborhood.

— Homero Mejia

We truly appreciate TRT’s stewardship to protect and restore historical populations of Chinook salmon and Central Valley steelhead to the Tuolumne watershed. Fishing for these species in a healthy river system is a fly fisher’s dream…a dream TRT can help realize for future generations.

— Jeff and Diane Wilson

With your support, TRT educates hundreds more students, just like my son, and help them see the value of being leaders in their community and taking action to protect and restore their neighborhoods.

— Shanyn Avila

Thank you for all you make possible.