Let It Flow
TRT’s Let It Flow campaign advocates for higher instream flows in the Tuolumne River by supporting the State Water Board’s update of the Bay Delta Water Quality Control Plan (Bay Delta Plan) and participating in the licensing of Don Pedro and La Grange Dams. Our goal is to improve flows for the benefit of fish and wildlife, water quality and recreation.
Bay Delta Plan
The Bay Delta Plan was required by the Clean Water Act. It was first adopted in 1978, and was last updated in 1995. Since then, the Bay-Delta ecosystem has spiraled into a state of continuous decline, and is now on the brink of ecological collapse.
FERC Licensing
For the first time since Don Pedro Dam received its original license in 1966, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is requiring a new license, making this a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to improve dam operations, including instream flow requirements. Furthermore, La Grange Dam, two miles downstream, is required to obtain a license for the first time.