Dedicate a Tree or Grove
Make a unique gift, one that can last a lifetime (for generations to come)
Your donation will help permanently protect and restore the Tuolumne River and the greater Yosemite ecosystem. Dedicate your gift in memorial, in celebration or as a special tribute. Each gift will be accompanied with a personalized card or email to the recipient.
Give the gift of a lifetime
Whether you are looking honor someone special, a pet or your life’s connection to the forest, your generous gift will be a tribute while also protecting and restoring the greater Yosemite ecosystem.
Restore forests affected by catastrophic wildfire
Restore a young grove in the greater Yosemite Ecosystem
Plant a single tree in the Tuolumne Watershed
Ways to make your gift
Make your gift today!
When you make a donation, let us know in the comment section on step three that you are dedicating your gift to plant a tree grove.
Make a pledge
To make a pledge over 3 years please contact: Nicole Cibellis, Chief Advancement Officer at nicole@tuolumne.org
Designate your gift to us
Designate your gift in your Will or Trust
Give through our Cascade Fund
Give to our Endowment through our Cascade Fund