Adopt an American Black Bear
Sub Species: Ursus Americanus
Their preferred habitat is large, undeveloped woodland tracts with a wide variety of different kinds of vegetation.
Most of their diet consists of berries, fruit, sedges, and insects. They will also occasionally consume fish, honeycomb, and human food and garbage.
They play an important role in the greater Yosemite Ecosystem as seed dispersers across vast distances—even more seeds than birds. Bears open up forest canopies that allows sun to filter to the forest floor, which creates greater biological diversity.
Black bear cubs weigh less than one pound at birth. They are excellent swimmer and can paddle at lease a mile and a half in freshwater. Their claws can grow as long as a whiteboard eraser.
Habitat loss, vehicle-bear car collisions and conflict with humans.
Adoption Kits
8” Plush Black Bear
Adoption certificate
Black bear screen-saver
Adoption Certificate